
Rollercoasters and amusement parks have been a passion of mine since I was a little one and my parents would take me to Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm (pre Ceder Point) and Magic Mountain (pre Six Flags). Since then I have visited hundreds of parks across North America.

August 20, 2014

26 Amusing Facts About Amusement Parks (Mental Floss)

A couple mistakes, can you spot them?

July 3, 2009

Today in Amusement History

Many moons ago, there was The Amusement Park Almanac, compiled by Dave Althoff and published periodically on Usenet.  Anyone out there remember, or even know what Usenet is, let alone use it? For the last few years it has laid fallow with no updates and for a time, no home.  That is till I came along and revived the Almanac.  After getting the OK and support from Mr. Althoff it is alive again, living on  Both of us are now maintaining the list, updating it for current events and slowly filling in the events that were missed over the last few years.

But it is no longer just a list – oh no indeed!  First off, it is now in a true database.  Secondly, it can now be viewed in many ways – via website, Yahoo Widgets. And if you have your own website, you can easily add it to your site (see the website for details).

Amusement history is an important part of American history, and Americana in general.  Hopefully this will help keep it alive.

PS, if you need a Yahoo Widget, Google Gadget, etc… developed please let me know, I have your solution.

May 13, 2009

The Amusement Industry is all aTwitter

Twitter? What is this Twitter I keep hearing about?

Twitter itself describes itself thus:

Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?

Wikipedia goes a little more in depth:

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users’ updates known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length which are displayed on the user’s profile page and delivered to other users who have subscribed to them (known as followers). Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow anybody to access them. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or external applications. The service is free to use over the Internet, but using SMS may incur phone service provider fees.

If you are already Twitter, continue reading, if not you may want to check out the Twitter site first.

Although Twitter has been around a couple years, 2009 has brought a huge explosion in use. Below is a list of Twitter users involved in the amusement industry. It is hard to keep up with all of the new accounts, so this list is as complete as it can be when this article was published. If you know of any Twitter accounts not listed below that should be, please let me know.


adventurepark Adventure Park USA
alton_towers Alton Towers
CanobieLakePark Canobie Lake Park
carowinds Carowinds
cedarpoint Cedar Point
ColumbusZoo Columbus Zoo
ConeyIslandFun Coney Island
TheCyclone Coney Island Cyclone
Darienlake Darian Lake
Dollywood Dollywood
Draytonmanor Drayton Manor
funtownusa Funtown Splashtown
GhostlyManor Ghostly Manor
WonderlandPier Gillian’s Wonderland Pier
HolidayWorld Holiday World (the first park on Twitter)
KingsIslandPR Kings Island
LaRondeSixFlags La Ronde
LEGOLANDWindsor Legoland
MagicSpringsFUN Magic Springs
NavyPier Navy Pier
OhioStateFair Ohio State Fair
PaultonsPark Paultons Park
beachboardwalk Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk
santasvillage Santa’s Village
RealShamu Sea World
TheRealMrSix Six Flags (Mr. Six)
SixFlagsMexico Six Flags Mexico
SixFlagsOverGA Six Flags Over Georgia
SplashinSafari Splashing Safari
sftv Six Flags TV
wdwnews Walt Disney World News
Wild_Adventures Wild Adventures


thegravitygroup Gravity Group, The
GreatCoasters Great Coasters International


ACESOAR ACE SOAR (Southern Ohio Area Region)
Darkride Darkride and Funhouse Enthusiasts (DAFE)
IAAPA2009 International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA)
FlaCoasterClub Florida Coaster Club


TheDisneyBlog Disney Blog, The
Disney_Tweets Disney History and Walt’s Quotes delivered twice a day.
Attractions Orlando Attractions Magazine
pointbuzz Point Buzz
ThemePark Theme Park Insider
ThemeParkReview Theme Park Review
AmusementPark Today in Amusement History
Roller_Coaster Ultimate
screamscape Screamscape
DisneyD23 D23: The Official Community for Disney Fans


RaptorGuy Brian Neal (ACE Southern Ohio Representative)
DerekClayton Derek Clayton (ACE Southern Ohio Webmaster)
DAFE_Rick Rick Davis (DAFE President and Founder)
CPTony Tony Clark (Cedar Point’s Interactive Marketing Manager)
SantaClausLand Paula Werne (Holiday World Director of Public Relations)
SchlitterTweet Jeffrey Siebert (Schlitterbahn’ Director of Corporate Communications)
Will_Koch Will Koch (Holiday World CEO)

Note: this article was cross-posted to the ACESOAR website.

November 19, 2008

Gravity Group Unveils Next-Gen Wood Coaster Train

Not content keeping busy with designing new coasters, our friends have added to their repertoire.

Excerpt from the press release (

Cincinnati, Ohio —- The engineers at The Gravity Group started with a blank sheet of paper and ended up with the next generation of trains for wooden roller coasters.

“Timberliners incorporate new technology – such as magnetic braking and restraint monitoring – that wasn’t even imagined when wooden coaster cars were first developed,” says Michael Graham, lead engineer for the project. “When it comes to wooden coasters, The Gravity Group has more experience designing rides than anyone. We’ve applied that expertise in designing trains that addresses every facet of roller coaster performance and function – from maintenance and safety to rider enjoyment and capacity.”

Timberliners are designed to be compatible with existing wooden coasters, allowing a park to upgrade their roller coasters with Timberliner trains.

Key features of the trains include:

  • Single-bench design
  • Shock absorption and ergonomic styling
  • Unparalleled ability to smoothly navigate the track for decreased train & track maintenance
  • Innovative restraint system for unsurpassed safety and security
  • Restraints designed for higher throughput
  • ASTM F2291 Class 5 restraint with integrated monitoring
  • On-board sound system capable
  • Magnetic braking capable

July 27, 2008

ACE SOAR Website Live!

The American Coaster Enthusiasts (ACE) Southern Ohio Area Region (SOAR) website is now live. With almost no budget I was able to provide this non-profit, and all volunteer, group a full featured Internet presence quickly and cheaply by starting with WordPress, adding custom skin, and a few off the shelf WordPress plug-ins.

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